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Our youth ministry at Cedar Creek exists to help students come to see Jesus, follow Him, join His mission, and bear fruit.

Our team is made up of screened volunteers who see the potential in each young person.

See our programs below or connect with our team lead below.

EDGE (Grades 7-8)

Edge is a weekly program for junior high students consisting of group games, Bible teaching, and small groups. There are also special events at the end of each month and an annual retreat late in the Fall.

Edge meets at Cedar Creek on Tuesday nights from 6:30 - 8:30PM.


EXTREME (Grades 9-12)

Extreme is a weekly program for high school students consisting of group games, Bible teaching, discussion groups, live worship, and service opportunities. There is also an annual retreat in the winter.

Extreme meets at Cedar Creek on Friday nights from 7:00 - 9:00PM.