Grace-Based Parenting

What are the three basic needs of every child? How can I establish grace in my relationship with my kids? What about when my kid frustrates the life out of me?! This talk from Dave Lane (Youth Unlimited - YFC), is meant for parents with children of any age and offers biblical foundations, life advice, and tips for parenting your kids through the lens of grace.

On the night of this recording, Dave offered a handout to take notes and get as much out of this time as possible. That handout is available to download below!

Dave and his daughter, Emma, currently host a podcast for parents! The Parent Pause offers a unique insight to parent-child relationships, as they are both able to share from their experiences parenting and being parented. To listen to The Parent Pause click on the link below (also available on Apple Podcasts):


Next Gen. Gospel


Praying For Our Kids When They’re Done With God